Hugh Jackman Wanted Darren Aronofsky To Direct X-Men 3!

8th December 2010


December 8, 2010 (Sampurn Wire):The 'X-Men' series hero Hugh Jackman is super excited about his next film from the same franchise. The Wolverine, the fifth movie will be directed by the 'Black Swan' director Darren Aronofsky. Hugh is very much appreciative about his director and says that he has been looking forward to start work with the Golden Lion winner director.

The 42-year-old star says that he wanted to get Darren for 'X-Men 3' itself. According to Jackman, Darren is a visionary filmmaker and he has watched all the movies made by him. During his recent casual meeting with Darren, the actor discovered that it is going to be a totally different experience working with him as the director has deep ideas, intelligence and creativity. He thinks that Darren was probably looking for this kind of script so when he got it; he is ready to rock with it.

Darren is also equally excited about the project and wants to work on it considering it as a fresh project as if no other prequel has been made earlier. According to Hugh, Darren wants to make it a standalone movie and his take on it will be totally unique. And, all these make him so excited about the film even if the prequel did not get much positive response. He claims that the movie will be totally different from any other superhero movie made before.

Jackman has been reportedly asked to put on 25 lbs of muscle for 'The Wolverine'. And, the actor has also taken it very seriously so he has called up former professional wrestler Dwayne Johnson for some advice.

Well, considering the zeal of the actor and the director, we are sure they are going to make it a really big one!

--Sampurn Wire


Tags: Darren Aronofsky, Hugh Jackman,