Jackky to shoot for her Hollywood flick in Mumbai

30th January 2015

Makers of Jacqueline Fernandez's Hollywood flick 'Definition of Fear' are transporting a set to Mumbai all the way from Malaysia.

As due to some scheduling error, the actress realized that she won't be able to shoot for the film's climax in Malaysia and she immediately informed her filmmaker about her situation.

Therefore the filmmaker decided to fly the movie set to India to shoot the film's climax. An insider informs it is basically a haunted house that will be erected in Film City for a week.

Sri Lankan beauty said, "It's my first international project and I was really worried because the climax cannot be filmed without me. At the same time, I can't travel out of the country at the moment because I'm committed to shooting for Karan Johar's 'Brothers' with Akshay Kumar in Mumbai."

Jackky is thrilled about this project and says that Indian audience will love it, as the horror genre is still unexplored by the Bollywood filmmakers. 

Tags: Jacqueline Fernandez,