January Jones: 60s clothes are sexy

13th April 2011

(Cover) - EN Star Style - January Jones misses the wiggle her Mad Men costumes give her when she isnt filming.

The 33-year-old American actress dons traditional 1960s attire for the hit US show, where she portrays elegant housewife Betty Draper.

January favours a more modern approach to fashion when she isnt shooting the programme which is due to return to screens with season five next year although she admits she does miss the old-fashioned garments because they are so flattering.

Its strange, but when the season ends I miss wearing all Bettys underpinnings. I love long-line bras and girdles. Theres a sexiness about girdles - on Mad Men I wear them four months out of the year, and I see my body changing. When you wear a girdle, you cant bend in the usual way. Your thighs are cinched together, which makes your stride shorter. You automatically get a wiggle in your walk. Its sexy, she told W magazine.

January knows that many fans of the show adore Bettys ladylike aesthetic. She believes this must be the only reason they choose to dress as the character on Halloween, as there is nothing scary about the prim and proper attire.

A lot of people - men and women! - probably went as Betty Draper for Halloween. Who knows? But because of the clothes, I understand, she smiled. (C) Cover Media
