Jeff Bridges: Steinfeld is so talented

1st February 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Jeff Bridges has praised his Oscar-nominated co-star, saying the 14-year-old year is mature beyond her years.

Hailee Steinfeld has been recognised in the best supporting actress category at this years Academy Awards for her performance in True Grit. Jeff who has been nominated for a best actor Oscar was bowled over by Hailees impressive work ethic and behaviour on the set of the western. He says the emerging star was a pleasure to work with and took her work very seriously.

Just as a person, she has a real sweetness and a generosity of spirit, and I think a lot of that, to a large degree comes from how she was raised. She has something that I think is kind of rare in most kids in this day and age; most kids who are 13 or 14 years old are really chomping at the bit to start dating and getting in cars and all that stuff, Jeff said in an interview with Movie Line. And Hailee doesnt seem too eager to be older than she is. Shes really appreciating her age. And in a very odd way, that makes her more mature. Shes very at home in her skin. And so that makes her very pleasant to be around; her head is really screwed on right, just as a person.

Jeff is thrilled Hailee has been nominated for an Oscar, saying the role she plays in True Grit would have been a challenge for an actor of any age. He went on to explain she quickly mastered the script and effortlessly delivered her lines.

She got her tongue around those words, and she made it look easy. But that was a lot of studying and a great work ethic to come up with that, he added. And she has great access to her emotions. All the skills - or talents, I guess - that actors wish they had, shes got them in spades. (C) Cover Media
