Jennifer Aniston dream for Bachelorette

11th September 2012

Jennifer Aniston would have been the perfect candidate for The Bachelorette because she was so "notoriously unlucky" in love, says the show's host.

Chris Harrison claims Jennifer would have been the ideal star for a celebrity edition of the dating series, before she found love with Justin Theroux.

Jennifer - who recently got engaged - had a high-profile break-up from Brad Pitt in 2005 and dated a string of men before settling down with Justin.

"If you had someone who was unlucky in love like (I hate to point this one out because I know it'll get picked up), but if we get Jennifer Aniston, who [has been] notoriously unlucky in love - I know she's engaged now - or that type of person, if it made sense, you could do it," Chris told Entertainment Weekly when asked about a celebrity-focused The Bachelorette.

"But just to do it to say, 'Hey, we have a celebrity, look at us!' It's kind of like doing the all-star edition of a show. It's kind of the kiss of death, kind of the beginning of the end. You can't just do things to be a stunt."

Chris has several dream candidates he'd love to see on the programme.

"Oh sure, I do, because I love hanging out with them. I would love for some of my favourite athletes to come in and do it, to hang out with George Clooney or whoever," he smiled.

Tags: Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Jennifer Aniston, Justin Theroux, Bachelorette,