Jessica Chastain avoids negativity

28th October 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Jessica Chastain's mother has banned her from reading things about herself.

The 30-year-old actress was bullied for having red hair when she was at school. As she grew up people stopped making nasty remarks, but since finding fame she's had to deal with criticism again.

The star's mother has become so tired of seeing her upset she felt she had to step in.

"There is this anonymous bullying that happens, people feel that they can say mean, mean things. The bullying aspect coming back is really shocking and strange," Jessica explained. "My mom told me I'm not allowed to look anymore. She said, From now on, I will look and I will let you know if there's something you need to address, but it's not healthy.' And she's right. It's not healthy for me to look at mean things people say."

The actress loves other aspects of being famous though. She remembers feeling proud when she was in the cinema with pals and a trailer for her movie The Debt came on.

Her friends all began cheering and clapping, and she's even managed to make some of her loved ones' dreams come true thanks to her career.

"The best was when my 12-year-old brother came to stay while I was doing press for The Help. He really likes Emma Stone, so I asked her to go over and speak to him. She went over, and he absolutely clammed up, couldn't even look at her," she laughed to ASOS magazine. "There's a picture where she's smiling with her arm around him and he just looks like he's going to faint! It's my favourite." (C) Cover Media
