J.J. Abrams: Spielberg is unbelievable

7th June 2011

(Cover) - EN Movies - J.J. Abrams says that working with Steven Spielberg is "unbelievable".

The star, who worked alongside the legendary filmmaker on his upcoming movie Super 8, was surprised how involved Steven got with the project despite his other commitments.

The film follows a group of friends who witness a catastrophic train crash while making a Super 8 movie and suspect it wasn't an accident.

"It was one of those things where I was amazed at how available he made himself to me and to this movie," J.J. told film website

"One of the fun things about working with him was always knowing that I could email him or call him and ask him his advice. And I'd laugh inside because I just can't tell you how many times I was working at any stage and think, What the hell would Steven Spielberg do?' So to have him actually just sitting there saying, You know what I would do?' it was kind of unbelievable."

The Star Trek director also discussed what it was like to work with young actors.

A father of three children himself, J.J. was afraid to hinder their creativity if he gave them too many instructions.

"Steven gave me great advice, which was: you can give them line readings if you need to," he said. "These kids were so great that my big fear was getting in their way. I wanted to make sure I kind of let their dynamic live and breathe in the movie so that when I said action' they didn't suddenly shift into other people, that they were able to maintain significant elements of their own personalities and let that shine through. Otherwise I think it would feel disingenuous." (C) Cover Media
