John Slattery: Hamm is too good

22nd March 2012

Jon Hamm is "annoyingly good" as Mad Men's Don Draper, says John Slattery.

The 49-year-old actor plays Roger Sterling on the popular AMC TV series alongside Jon who portrays advertising executive Don.

John originally auditioned for the part of Don, but lost out on the role to Jon. The star has joked that he secretly "hated" Jon for much of the show's first season.

"He says I did, and not even secretly, but [laughs] no, I didn't hate him, deep down," he told Shortlist magazine.

"The thing is, it was apparent from the beginning how annoyingly good he was in that role. I don't think people appreciate how difficult it is to play something as subtle as he does. Trying to communicate so much from a guy who keeps his cards so close to his chest is almost an impossibility."

John is grateful to have won the part of notorious womaniser Roger. However, it was a different story during auditions for the show.

"These days, very much so, but at the time Goddamn it, no, I was not happy at all," he admitted.

"I went to the audition and they said, Oh, sorry, we've got that guy, you can try for someone else.' In my arrogance I thought, What? You haven't got that guy, I'll show you. You haven't got that guy because I'm that guy.' When you're a fool like me you think you can play anything"

John's real-life partner Talia Balsam played his wife in the series, before the pair divorced. The actor has recalled the awkward moment he knew his spouse was being written out of the storyline.

"Well, erm I can't man, how can I answer that question? What are you doing to me here?" he stumbled, before jokingly adding: "I guess it would be every man's fantasy to pretend such a thing. To play that out. It's funny, because I was reading the script, lying in bed next to my wife, and neither of us at that point had any idea the divorce was coming.

"I read the script, didn't say a word other than, Goodnight' then shut the light off. There was no way I was going to be the man to break the news that she was being written out."

Tags: John Slattery, Jon Hamm,