John Travolta faces new sex assault lawsuit

25th June 2012

John Travolta has been hit with yet another lawsuit from a man claiming he sexually assaulted him.

Cruise ship steward Fabian Zanzi has alleged that while working on the Royal Caribbean in 2009 he attended to the Hollywood actor.

Fabian alleges John exposed himself while he attempted to give the star a rub down, according to TMZ.

The lawsuit asserts that when Fabian brought food to John, on his request, the 58-year-old demanded a neck massage.

Fabian claims that when he reached up to John's neck, the Pulp Fiction star dropped his robe and exposed his body and then embraced him in a forceful manner.

The steward claims that John, who has been married to Kelly Preston for 20 years, told Fabian that he was "beautiful" and said, "Take me, I will take care of you, please."

Fabian also asserts that John offered him $12,000 to remain silent and the cruise ship management did little when he reported the incident.

Fabian is now suing for unspecified damages. Seven men have recently accused John of making inappropriate sexual advances towards them. John's camp has strenuously denied all of the allegations, but it is rumoured that the actor is in quiet settlement talks with at least one of the accusers.

Tags: John Travolta,