Josh Hutcherson MTV trophy win crazy'

4th June 2012

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Josh Hutcherson refers to himself as "the little guy from Kentucky that could."

The Hunger Games star one Best Male Performance of the year at Sunday's MTV Movie Awards.

Before accepting his award onstage, Josh found it difficult to believe that he was even nominated for the honour.

"Little guy from Kentucky that could," he told MTV News on the pre-show red carpet. "It's crazy, man. It's crazy."

Josh is in awe of how much effort his co-star Elizabeth Banks, who won in the Best On-Screen Transformation prize, put into creating her The Hunger Games character Effie Trinket.

"[It was] insane. The amount of conversation that went into the smallest details of, like, what colour her eyebrows should be was astonishing," he recalled. "That whole process was way more than I would ever go through for a role."

Josh's other leading lady Jennifer Lawrence also won a golden popcorn award for her performance in the fantasy blockbuster.

Josh feels that it's his duty to protect Jennifer from whatever calamity she may face in the future, including a potential zombie apocalypse.

"I think [I'd rescue] Jennifer, just because I think she means the most to the continuing of the story and to the fans," he laughed. "That'd be a good one to be [saved]." (C) Cover Media
