Julia Roberts brings sunshine'

19th April 2012

Director Dennis Lee felt privileged to have Julia Roberts "as his boss."

The veteran Hollywood actress acts as executive producer on Dennis' upcoming comedy Jesus Henry Christ.

Dennis was impressed with Julia's production expertise.

"She's terrific," Dennis told ET Online. "It was an amazing experience to have her as my boss. You couldn't ask for a better boss."

Dennis also appreciated Julia's general joviality.

"She came on the set and she was just great," he gushed. "She always brought sunshine with her... She was lovely to have around."

Julia has spoken before about how she believes the movie industry has altered over her decades long career.

"I'm not a negative person in any way, and I certainly wouldn't participate in an industry that I felt was inherently negative," she told British newspaper The Independent. "I just think the way that the business works now and how movies are made and how people are cast, it's just a very different thing than 25 years ago. I have a very distant point of view of that experience now compared to the experience that I had."

Jesus Henry Christ is set to be released later on this year.

Tags: Julia Roberts, Dennis Lee,