Kanye West Sets Diamond Teeth, Is It Removable?

22nd October 2010

October 22, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Rapper Kanye West has reportedly drilled permanent diamond teeth after suffering several visits to the dentist, extreme pain and also bleeding gums! But, if his words are anything to go by, Kanye West is not complaining. In fact he is very happy with the result saying that diamonds have always been his favorite gem and to be able to make it a part of his body is an achievement in itself.

The rapper says that the bling in his mouth are diamonds, but that has not stopped the media from speculating as to whether they are removable or permanent, and while Kanye West has announced that they are permanent, the media says that having diamonds inside the mouth may be harmful for oral health. Dentist Dr. Timothy Chase is of the opinions that since diamonds are harder than the normal tooth, we may end up breaking out own teeth if diamonds are placed on the biting side of the teeth. Further if the diamonds are not cleaned properly, it may lead to an infection of the gums and it is for all such reasons that dentists cannot recommend the use of diamonds in the mouth. Not to forget the total cost that is incurred to install diamonds in ones mouth. Dr. Jay Rashbaum says that even one diamond tooth would cost a person anything around $1000. Is Kanye West listening?

--Sampurn Wire



Tags: Kanye West,