Kavita Bhartiya Presents Transculturation Fashion Line

10th December 2010

December 10, 2010 (Sampurn Wire):The Wills Lifestyle India Fashion Week went off to a great start previous Saturday with several designers being a part of the fashion extravaganza held in New Delhi. Among the others was Kavita Bhartiya, who presented her transculturation collection of couture. In a statement to the media, after her range of clothing was enjoyed and appreciated by all present, Kavita Bhartiya said that her collection at the Wills Lifestyle India Fashion Week this time has been influenced by people she has come across while travelling throughout the world during her career as a fashion designer, from Paris to Persia and South Africa. And that is precisely why Kavita Bhartiya says that the clothesline is a combination of different cultures existing in the world.

Her clothesline presented on Sunday was divided into the graffiti, souvenirs, timelines and origin ofcolorscategories. The main focus for graffiti was on texture of the cloth used, while souvenirs relied on the color of the garments. The timelines section presented a wide range of mix and match options, with Kavita Bhartiya using bright pastel shades to draw attention. Origin ofcolors, on the other hand, concentrated upon fashion during the 1980s.

Put together, the Kavita Bhartiya collection presented at the Wills Lifestyle India Fashion Week was a heady mix of not only colors, which Kavita Bhartiya is known to flirt with, but also textures and cuts. The fashion event in New Delhi was a five day extravaganza.

--Sampurn Wire
