Kelly Clarkson: Gay rumours are hilarious

27th January 2012

Kelly Clarkson "finds it funny" that people think she is a lesbian.

The Grammy Award-winning singer is currently single. The lack of a male presence in her life has fuelled speculation that she is gay but Kelly isn't deterred by such rumours.

"I don't think it's harmful at all," she laughed in an interview with British newspaper The Mirror.

"But I just don't know why people think I am. I never kiss women. I find it funny. Also I'm such a vocal person, I've never hidden much. So I don't understand why they don't take me on my word. I find that a little bit annoying. But if people think I'm gay, I don't really care.

"I'm a kinda selfish person who right now enjoys being single, enjoys the fact that I can work as much as I do, and not really have to answer to anyone."

Kelly is famed for rock pop anthems, which have a strong female empowerment message resounding through them. The 29-year-old star says her twice-divorced mother and tumultuous upbringing reflects in the lyrics of her songs.

"We had fun but there was struggle too. Now I don't have to worry about having clean clothes or paying the bills too late, but that level of stress definitely has an effect," she revealed.

"Divorce isn't fun. It affects relationships you get into when you are older. I think you have to work a little harder because you're constantly thinking it's probably not going to work out in the end. Also, I travel a lot and work a lot. The way I live it's hard for me to even find someone."

Kelly lives in Texas, She is surrounded by animals and owns nine firearms.

"I grew up around my guns. My whole family and all my friends had guns and we'd go to shooting ranges. I live alone so my guns are a safety precaution. If the alarm goes off I feel I have a fighting chance," she said.

Kelly's life hasn't changed much since shooting to superstardom. The songstress has the same group of friends since childhood.

"They've always been big believers that I was going to be able to sing for a living. They always thought it was going to happen for me and have been super supportive, so when I was successful it didn't really faze them," she said.

Kelly avoids the party lifestyle when on tour. She'd prefer to concentrate on her music.

"I don't understand how people do that on the road," she says. "I'm definitely a workaholic. If you finally get to do the job you love, you work your butt off."
