Kelly Osbourne is selfish birthday girl

24th October 2012

Kelly Osbourne has joked she is "selfish" for snubbing David Furnish's invite to his birthday party.

Sir Elton John's husband is celebrating turning 50 in style with a week-long star-studded bash, but the TV presenter has decided to focus on her own special day instead.

Kelly, the daughter of British rocker Ozzy Osbourne, is jetting to the UK to spend her 28th anniversary next Saturday with her pals.

"I was invited to all of the festivities but unfortunately every year I have to pick between going to David's birthday or having my own birthday because we are one day apart. So I've decided that I'm actually going to come home [to the UK], I can't wait," she told UK TV show Daybreak. "I know it's pretty selfish of me and he's going to be mad but I want to see my friends. And I can't wait to have some yummy English food!"

Kelly also joked that she doesn't feel like a woman in her late twenties.

The Fashion Police reporter admits that she still behaves like a child and is struggling to get her head around her age.

"I cannot believe that I'm turning 28, I look back on my life and I'm like, I still feel like I'm 12 and I still act like I'm 12'," she laughed.
