Killer Elite Movie Review

30th September 2011

Cast: Jason Statham, Clive Owen, Robert De Niro

Director: Gary McKendry

Rating: 2 / 5


A Jason Statham vehicle filled with hand-to-hand combat scenes, car chases, and a lot of blood. End of story --- period --- nothing more, nothing less.


Testosterone oozes from every pore of this 1980s-set thriller. It's based on Rannulph Fiennes' book “The Feather Men”, which claims to recount true events but is frankly very hard to believe. Fortunately, the high-octane cast helps make it rather entertaining.

Based on a true story, "Killer Elite" jumps around to different locales as Danny (Jason Statham)  is after three killers of a sheik’s three sons, his mission being to free his mentor and longtime friend, Hunter (Robert De Niro), from house arrest in the sheik’s abode.

There are chases, car bombings, explosions and hand-to-hand combat galore. In fact, the violence is over-the-top and becomes superficial after a while.

Part of the problem is the dearth of character development for Hunter --- do we really care if he's rescued? After all, these guys are mercenary killers and it doesn't matter if they only go after the baddies --- it's difficult to evoke any sympathy for their plight.

The shallow approach makes the plot look ridiculous. Meanwhile, references to Britain's messy past in the Middle East become mere plot fodder. So when the story comes to a happy end, there's actually another half-hour to come!

The talents of De Niro and Owen are completely wasted. Most of the fast-cut action sequences are predictable, and much of the dialogue is (unintentionally) hilarious.

It is a film that had promise and yet fails to capitalize on it.

All in all, the film fizzles out once the thrill is gone & is extremely disappointing and tedious.

Tags: Jason Statham, Clive Owen, Killer Elite,