Kim Kardashian Blows Out Plans Of Accepting The Ridiculous Offer Of A $1 Million Birthday Cake

25th October 2010

October 25, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Restaurateur Nino Selimaj was all prepared to deliver the most expensive birthday cake ever made to Kim Kardashian, the star of realty shows. Kim, however, poured cold water over the entire plan saying that she was against spending such ridiculous amounts of money on a piece of confectionary. She tried to clear things up in her blog last Thursday.

The reality show star turns thirty this week and has already received several birthday cakes for the event. The unique $1 million cake, however, made news as the most expensive cake baked and encrusted with real gems. reported the news stating that the plans of gifting this piece of cake to Kim at the GLO Nightclub located at Westbury, N.Y had been afloat.

Kim seemed to be quite enraged at the idea and stated that she could not allow anyone to spend such lavish amounts on her, that too for a birthday cake. She went on to add that she would have been happier had she been presented with a small cup cake while the rest of the amount went to charity preferably spent on the millions who were homeless.

GLO along with the restaurateur Selimaj seems to have got the message although they were not particularly happy about it.

Orsino cleared the air saying that she would be appearing at the club in order to celebrate her birthday but without the million dollar cake. He said that it was a shame as the diamond studded cake had been created specially for Kim who is known to be a lover of diamonds. Her staff had apparently contacted Selimaj and thanked him for his efforts explaining why Kim could not accept the offer.

The stories circulating about hosting her birthday at the GLO does not seem to be true either. Kims blog posts told another story altogether. She writes that she was extremely tired having attended festivities linked to her birthday last weekend and on Thursday. She has no plans of attending any other birthday parties this week. She also apologized to her fans saying that the rumors doing the round of some other people hosting a party for her was far from the truth.

--Sampurn Wire


Tags: Kim Kardashian,