Kristen Stewart Speaks On Her Breaking Dawn Diet

25th October 2010

October 25, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Hollywood beauty Kristen Stewart is going through a very strict diet regimen for her upcoming film Breaking Dawn. During a recent interview, the actress expressed her desire to grab a cheeseburger, but thanks to her strict diet she had to settle for a veggie burger instead.

The 56 Kristen can be hardly considered fat or obsess, but she became a bit flabby while shooting for the Dark Drama genre movie On The Road. Kristen said that during the summer she indulged herself with fatty foods and smoked non-stop for On The Road. The actress spent a lot of sleepless nights while shooting for this film and this made her a bit flabby.

After Kristen met the Breaking Dawn director Bill Condon she was advised to lose the excess weight because her character Bella Swan will become a vampire in the fourth installment of the series. The shooting for fourth movie will begin from November 2010. Like Edward Cullen, vampires are well known for their ethereal beauty and their slim and elegant physiques.

The fourth film will be like a reincarnation of Bella Swan as a vampire and Kristen will have to regain her lithe figure in order to portray the role perfectly. Stewart also informed us that her character is going to become pregnant in the upcoming movie, which is a new ball game altogether for this beautiful actress.

--Sampurn Wire


Tags: Kristen Stewart,