Kristen Bell amazed by fiance's past

6th August 2012

Kristen Bell was stunned to find that her "Prince Charming" had gone on "five-day benders".

The 32-year-old actress is engaged to Dax Shepard. Kristen is still astounded when she thinks about how much the actor-and-comedian has changed since his days as a substance abuser.

"You couldn't find two more extremes. He used to be a drug addict, and I don't know if I've ever seen cocaine at a party, let alone done it," she told Esquire magazine.

"When I found out that my Prince Charming has gone on five-day benders where no one could find him, I was like, 'Wait, what?'"

Kristen also discussed her pride at being only one of two girls to partake in roller hockey with a group of guys as a teenager.

The blonde beauty has revealed one unfortunate time where she forgot her protective kit, resulting in her questioning her love for the sport.

"The one time I forgot pads, I broke both wrists and wore a freak cast for two months," she explained. "It was that special time when you want to not talk to boys."

Kristen poked fun at her accessory-wearing while kicking off her interview with the monthly magazine.

"Could I be wearing darker sunglasses? Can you please have your article be about how I'm hiding my shifty eyes? I might as well be wearing a mask," she quipped.

Tags: Kristen Bell, Dax Shepard,