Kristen Stewart: I'm proud of nude scene

31st May 2012

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Kristen Stewart says she is "proud" of her topless scene in On The Road.

The 22-year-old starlet appears in the film adaptation of the Jack Kerouac cult novel of the same name.

The movie was screened at the Cannes Film Festival recently and the Twilight actress told E! News that she expected there to be controversy about it.

"People are really predictable," she said. "I completely expected that."

"I can't say it's not a little bit jarring, but it's jarring in the right way. I wanted it to be. I'm really proud of it."

Kristen added that she didn't know what to expect from the French screening but was prepared either way.

"Everyone could have gotten up and booed, but our row would have gotten up and cheered," Kristen maintained. "We all really do love it, so it would be like, Let's go have a drink!'"

Kristen also spoke about working on Snow White and the Huntsman and the pain she suffered.

"I would hurt myself every single day," Kristen shared. "The thumbs was really bad, the worst one. But every other day it would be like, Ouch, it's this ankle.' Or my butt muscle I would do something stupid like pull my a*s muscle." (C) Cover Media
