Kristen Stewart: Pregnant Rumors Were Hard To Squash Family Believed!

25th October 2010

October 25, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Kristen Stewart is least bothered about whats written about her and her alleged affair with Twilight co-star Robert Pattinson. But things did get out of hand once in a while and more so when family get involved. Quite a few times the rumor mills have churned out that Kris was pregnant with Robs child, though the lady couldnt have cared less about it but she was in for a surprise when her grandparents believed it.

Showbiz Spy recently revealed that Stewarts grandparents were taken by the rumor and called Kris mom to confirm the news. The older couples concern was put to rest as mom Stewart strictly instructed Kristens grandparents not to read the gossip mags.

The rumor mills were not satisfied with just putting the news of Kris being pregnant with Robs child, but they went to the outrageous limits of putting news like Rob being pregnant with a child. We wonder what Robs family would have thought about such a buzz.

Nonetheless as the shooting schedule of the fourth installment of 'Twilight' flick 'Breaking Dawn' is nearing more buzz about these two actors are making the rounds. Not very long ago the same websites which were reporting that Rob is over Kris and happy to be single are now thriving with the news of them getting back together and having difficult time staying away from one another.

We are really at loss what to believe, so both Rob and Kris fans youll are at liberty to believe what youll want to, we are not going to confirm the news of them being together as a couple until they do so.

--Sampurn Wire


Tags: Kristen Stewart,