Lady Gaga enjoys simple Thanksgiving

25th November 2011

Lady Gaga showed a new side to herself yesterday with her TV special A Very Gaga Thanksgiving.

The 90-minute special showed the star creating delicious Thanksgiving treats, singing with Tony Bennett and chatting with Katie Couric.

Lady Gaga also decided to return to her old school, Sacred Heart Catholic School in Manhattan, and help the third and fourth graders make some holiday arts and crafts.

Looking dressed down, in a plain brown dress and loose hair, the eccentric star asked the kids about their favourite foods and artists as she helped with cutting and pasting.

Lady Gaga even tried to do a little educating, and asked the children if they knew who Jackson Pollock was. When they all said they did she was shocked.

"I ask you what you eat for Thanksgiving and you don't know, but you know who Jackson Pollock is," she exclaimed.

The Born This Way star has been eager to show a softer side to her character recently.

She has spent the last few days promoting a self-titled book which features a compilation of photographs taken by Terry Richardson.

"This is me in my most completely vulnerable state," she said in an interview with Access Hollywood. "Terry was with me during break-ups, during get-togethers, during party times, sad times, landmark moments in my career. It's for those of you that ask me: 'What do you look like in the morning?' 'What do you do when you get milk?' 'What do you look like at the grocery store?
