Lady Gaga: I am fearless

1st December 2011

Lady Gaga says she has "no fear".

The eccentric singer says she is not scared to do anything and that is part of the reason why she is such a successful artist.

Gaga relies on her lack of worry to confront ideas that others wouldn't dare to do.

"I don't regret anything," she said in an interview with the British edition of Elle magazine.

"If I'd known things back then I wouldn't be where I am now, because so much of who I am is based on a lack of fear. I have no fear. It's like jumping off buildings completely blindfolded and I don't know where I am going to land and I don't care."

Gaga thinks that the key to creativity is to have faith in your own ability. She also believes that people must believe in the existence of art itself.

"You have to trust the art," she explained.

"If you don't trust the art, it's not going to trust you to be its fuse. It's not inanimate. The art has to trust me or it's not going to invite me to be it's messenger."
