Lady Gaga offends disability group'

14th July 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Lady Gaga has been slammed for using a wheelchair in her stage act.

The controversial singer rolled herself out in a wheelchair during a performance in Sydney, Australia on Wednesday which has upset some advocacy groups.

Some of her fans also found her antics offensive and it has led to a well known disability charity to claim that the Born This Way singer was just doing it for "shock value" and should meet people who really do have to use a wheelchair.

"Since this isn't the first time she has used a wheelchair in her performances, I invite her to learn more about the 5.6 million Americans who live with paralysis," Life Rolls On Foundation founder Jesse Billauer told RadarOnline.

"They, like me, unfortunately, don't use a wheelchair for shock value."

He added that although Gaga is known for being controversial, she should not have used the wheelchair just to draw more attention to herself.

"I extend a personal invitation to Lady Gaga to attend one of our Life Rolls On events where quadriplegics and paraplegics surf, skate, and snowboard, so she can see how much is possible beyond a wheelchair," Billauer said, before adding, "Maybe that will be most shocking to her of all." (C) Cover Media
