Lindsay Lohan begins jail sentence

7th November 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Lindsay Lohan has checked into jail.

The troubled star was sentenced to 30 days in prison last week after admitting violating the terms of her probation. She was ordered to surrender to jail before November 9 and did so last night.

"Lindsay Lohan checked into the Century Regional Detention Facility in Lynwood, CA at 8.48pm PST to begin serving her 30 day jail sentence... according to the L.A. County Sheriff's Department website," reports TMZ.

Despite her sentence, Lindsay is unlikely to spend too much time behind bars. Overcrowding issues mean she could be released within hours of her arrival.

However, Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore has said the 25-year-old may be inside for a night if prison staff are busy.

Lindsay pleaded no contest to stealing a necklace from a luxury boutique earlier this year. As part of her sentence she was ordered to complete community service at a women's shelter in Los Angeles, but didn't show up when she should have.

As well as the jail time, she's been ordered to work at a morgue and attend psychotherapy session. Judge Stephanie Sautner has laid out a strict regime for her, and if she doesn't comply Lindsay faces 300 days in prison. (C) Cover Media
