Lindsay Lohan: Released From Rehab Center, Staying At A Sober Home

11th November 2010


November 11, 2010 (Sampurn Wire):Lindsay Lohan, the 24-year-old troubled star who was admitted to the Betty Ford rehab centre for the second time on charges of being under influence of cocaine at a random drug testing drive, was released and sent to a sober home.

The random drug test which had been ordered by the Los Angeles court had to be taken as a routine test. This was when the star had been admitted for the first time in the clinic; she had then been discharged much early than her due time because of her good behavior at the rehab centre but was to be under constant supervision till further notice.

But as she had failed the test, she was sent back to the same rehab, for the second time, and now, after successfully completing her first phase of treatment, has been discharged to move into the sober home.

However, here too, she will be accompanied by a buddy and all her actions will be monitored by the authorities. Lindsay will have to undergo a routine of certain activities with even chores like going to pick up her own groceries etc, albeit with an all-time caretaker who will keep a sharp eye on all her activities.

According to the latest reports doing the rounds, Lindsays mom Dina has accepted and admitted at a popular show on the telly that her daughter was indeed addicted. However, she did admit that Lindsay was on the path to recovery pretty fast now due to the help that the rahab facility has given her.

Lets all hope that Lilo gets well soon so that we can see her amongst the crowd of all great celebrities soon.

--Sampurn Wire



Tags: Lindsay Lohan,