Lindsay Lohan to work at morgue

26th April 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Lindsay Lohans community service will involve working at a Los Angeles morgue.

The 24-year-old actress was found in violation of probation as well as being sentenced to four months in jail in a Los Angeles court on Friday, for allegedly stealing a $2,500 necklace.

The star was permitted to post bail, although the judge said she has to complete 480 hours of community service.

She must spend 120 hours working at the Los Angeles County Department of Coroners facility, where her tasks will include collecting trash, emptying bins and cleaning floors, windows and bathrooms.

"She'll be doing basic janitorial work," Coroner Assistant Chief Ed Winter told People.

"She won't be handling any dead bodies but she'll certainly see them."

Lindsay will also complete 360 hours of service at Downtown Women's Center, a homeless shelter in Los Angeles. The judge said at the time that this would help the actress see how truly needy women have to live.

Lindsay has to enrol on the service within a week and must complete them within a year. She currently remains on bail pending an appeal on her sentence. On June 3 there will be a trial in her grand theft charge, which was reduced to a misdemeanour on Friday. (C) Cover Media
