Madonna Takes Her Material Girl Designs Outside America!

14th December 2010

December 14, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Fashion buffs and followers around the world have a welcoming news. Madonnas Material Girl clothes, which she had launched just four months back, have found their way to Canada. This brand is perhaps the first American celebrity designer wear which will move out of the country.

Madonna and her daughter Lourdes have been designing clothes for kids and all age-groups accessories. Shoes also are a part of the collection. Hudson Bay Company has bagged the contract to get the singers collection across to their chain of 91 stores. The collection can thus be expected to be made available across more countries of the world.

A lot of old styles have been brought back to the fore by Madonna through her collection. Sequined leggings to tight body suits and a lot of hard-rock-look clothes have found place in Madonnas line. These are available for a range between eleven and forty three Euros. The accessories section is a little cheaper than this section, with products available between ten and twenty-seven Euros.

So for all those who idolize Madonna, this sounds like a good news to get into the shoes of their icon, and rock the world!

-- Sampurn Wire

Tags: Madonna,