MAMI to introduce a new section 'Half Ticket' in 2016

1st April 2016

The Mumbai Academy Of Moving Image (MAMI) fest is scheduled between 20-27 October, 2016 in newly-revamped Films Division (FD) grounds at Peddar Road.

It is a well known event in the festival calendar and this year the film division is happy to announce a new section in their fest. This new exciting section will be for children, which is rightly named as 'Half Ticket'.  Various movies are screened every year in this fest for young adults and children.

Anupama Chopra, Festival Director says, "The two to three day event will not only screen films all day but also conduct workshops and master classes, promising wholesome entertainment for kids in the age group of 4-17 years, which parents constantly feel the absence of in the city."

Kiran Rao, Chairperson of MAMI, says "Now our ambitious plans for this section can be realised. We believe that by exposing young minds to the rich diversity or artistic and Indie films, we go a long way towards creating a better cinema culture for our future. From this year we have FD as a dedicated venue for screenings and other film related activities in the section for children and young adults."

Tags: Kiran Rao,