Mark Ruffalo: My wife didnt enjoy my sex scenes

4th November 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Mark Ruffalo thinks his wife should cover her eyes before watching his movie sex scenes.

The handsome 42-year-old actor shot some rather raunchy sequences opposite Hollywood beauty Julianne Moore in The Kids are Alright, a comedy about two children conceived by artificial insemination who decide to invite their birth father into their family.

Mark admits his beautiful spouse Sunrise Coigney didnt enjoy watching the saucy scenes, although was slightly reassured since she knows Julianne.

My wife isn't happy with me about this one either but I got away with it because she's a friend of Julianne's and she knows she can trust her, he explained.

That said she still didn't like seeing that moment so I'm suggesting in future she might want to cover her eyes at that moment. Why put yourself through it?"

The talented actor isnt fond of emulating love-making on screen, and admits that whole aspect of movies leaves him ill at ease. It isnt just Marks wife who has problems watching his sex scenes either, the star finds he always cringes when he sees them back.

"It's never easy shooting sex scenes. They are always awkward to shoot and awkward to be seen in, he added. (C) Cover Media
