Mark Ruffalo would wrestle for world

25th April 2012

Mark Ruffalo would love to wrestle in a vat of green jelly to save the world.

The actor portrays Bruce Banner/ The Hulk in the new movie Avengers Assemble. The film sees superheroes such as Iron Man, Thor, Captain America and Black Widow teaming up to protect Earth.

Mark was quizzed on the lengths he would go to in order to protect the planet in his everyday life. Asked by a rotund interviewer if he would consider wrestling her in a trough of green jelly for the sake of mankind, he was unflinching.

"I would absolutely love to do that to save the world. We don't have to save the world to do that, we could just do that for fun," he laughed on UK TV show This Morning.

Chris Hemsworth found fame on Australian soap opera Home & Away, and portrays Thor in the movie. He would also go to great lengths to help earth if needed.

"Would I sing the Home & Away [theme tune] to save the world? Sure," he said.

Jeremy Renner is among the all-star cast, playing Hawkeye whose weapon is the bow and arrow. Although he loves his character, Mark and Chris think he was envious of Thor's famed hammer.

"That was Renner [who also played with the hammer]. If it was missing we'd shout, Renner, where's the hammer?'" Mark laughed.

Chris added: "Yeah, he'd be out the back just swinging it around. Get back to your bow and arrow!"

Tom Hiddleston plays evil Loki in the movie and has nothing but kind words for Jeremy. He was astounded by how much effort the actor put into his fight scenes.

"Jeremy Renner is very handy with a bow and arrow. He can [do tricks]. Most actors say, Oh yeah, I do all this training and I'm really good at this,' and they're not really including me! Whereas Jeremy's like, Yeah I've done this training and stuff,' and then he'll show you are you're like, You should be in the army,'" he laughed.

"If there was a real fight between the Avengers I would put a lot of money on Chris Hemsworth coming out on top. He should be in the Olympics."

Reprising his role as Iron Man is Robert Downey Jr., who is thrilled with how Avengers Assemble turned out. He has always been a big fan of the superheroes and can remember fearing one of them when he was younger.

"I remember Iron Man seeming a little bit scary because the guy dresses up like a knight in battle and then goes and has these crazy fights. And then some of them seem so strange, like Thor I was like, OK, I hope he doesn't wind up going to my elementary school,'" he said.

Tags: Mark Ruffalo,