Michelle Obama is Beyonc fan

21st October 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Michelle Obama "loves" to work out to Beyonc Knowles.

The American First Lady revealed that she finds Beyonc's bootylicious tunes the most motivating when it comes to exercise.

Michelle is currently encouraging the US to get fit with her Let's Move Campaign.

"I always love Beyonc, so anything fast-paced that she's doing is a good one for me," Michelle said in a video response to questions from the Let's Move online audience. "But I have very eclectic tastes, so my playlist on my iPod, which I listen to, runs from fast paced to a little more mellow."

Michelle and her husband, US President Barack Obama, are both known to be huge Beyonc fans.

The singer even performed at the Neighborhood Ball, which celebrated the President's inauguration in 2009.

Although Michelle loves Beyonc she insists that the most important thing, no matter what you're listening to, is just to get motivated.

Known for having one of the worst rates of obesity in the world, Michelle is passionate about turning America into a healthier nation.

"Listen to whatever you like and whatever is going to get you motivated, and for me that's a lot," she explained. "The important thing is that you get up, you try to get that workout in." (C) Cover Media
