Michelle Pfeiffer: Vampires are sexy

30th April 2012

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Michelle Pfeiffer has been obsessed with vampires her whole life because they are so "erotic".

The actress plays Elizabeth in Tim Burton's new movie Dark Shadows, which is based on the 60s supernatural TV show.

Johnny Depp is Barnabas, a playboy who was cursed by a girlfriend in 1752. He becomes a vampire, who is buried alive but comes back to the world in 1972.

Michelle can still remember the original show, which she loved.

"It was scary for the time, certainly not for today's kids," she told ET Online. "For a kid who was 11 years old it was spooky and kind of sexy and naughty. Vampires are always sexy. I was thinking about why and I don't know. I've been obsessed with vampires my whole life I remember early on seeing a vampire movie and this woman being bit in the neck and this look of ecstasy on her face and it was so erotic."

Michelle was so keen to appear in the film she personally asked Tim about it. That isn't something she usually does, but she felt compelled to this time round.

"In fact I never do that, I've done it once before. I certainly would never do it to someone I know because it's such an awkward position to put someone in," she laughed.

Chlo Moretz was equally as excited when she heard she had won the role of Carolyn. She has loved Tim's movies her whole life and couldn't believe she would be teaming up with him.

However, hearing about the part was also tinged with sadness for the 15-year-old.

"My mom and my brother didn't tell me at all because I'm the biggest fan of Tim Burton of all time," she recalled. "I had just landed in New York and my mom had given me an iPad as a present the day before and I was so excited on this plane right when we landed my brother told me and I was like, Oh my God, that's my biggest dream in the whole world.' I was so excited I forgot the iPad and it was never to be seen again." (C) Cover Media
