Miley Cyrus proud of equality inking

1st August 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Miley Cyrus' new equal rights tattoo has sparked a debate on Twitter, with the star insisting everyone is "entitled to their opinions".

The 18-year-old star showed off her new inking on the social networking website a couple of days ago. She has two lines, known as an equal sign, tattooed on her finger, and captioned the image "All love is equal". The image was used by the Gay & Lesbian Rights Lobby during their campaign for equality, and it's to show Miley's support of gay rights. Her decision has caused many of speak out about the subject on Twitter.

While some were praising Miley's dedication to the cause not everyone was so happy, causing the star to explain why she decided to get the permanent marking.

"Dude everyone lay off @MileyCyrusLuver Love u! Everyone is entitled 2 opinions! if u don't stand 4 something you'll fall for anything.' :) (sic)," she wrote.

One user then questioned Miley about where it says homosexuality is acceptable in the Bible. Miley fired back: "Where does it say in the Bible to judge others? It doesn't. GOD is the only judge, honey. God is love (sic)."

Miley is well known for her belief that everyone should be free to get married, regardless of their sexual orientation. She's regularly tweeted about the topic and also spoke about it in an interview last year, explaining how hurtful she found it when people were rude to her about the subject.

"I said on [Twitter] that I believed in gay marriage because everyone should have the right to love each other," she explained. "I got such hate mail about being a bad person."

This is Miley's seventh tattoo, among the others are a heart on another finger, the word love' tattooed behind her ear and a dream catcher on her rib cage. (C) Cover Media

Tags: Miley Cyrus,