'Mirattal': Movie Review

3rd August 2012

Cast: Vinay, Pandirajan, Prabh and Sharmila

Director: R. Madesh

Rating: 2.5/5

Taste of threat

If you're an ardent fan of hardcore Telugu masala movies and longing to watch one such flick in Tamil, then the movie 'Mirattal' (A remake of the Tollywood hit 'Dhee' directed by R. Madesh can be the right choice this season.

Without bothering much about logic and other similar things which demand the brain to work, the director has dished out a movie that serves hot entertainment.

Vinay, who was seen playing romantic roles, tries to eastablish himself as a 'commercial actor' with 'Mirattal', an attempt in which he is partially successful.

The trend in Tamil cinema is to have Santhanam as the protagonist's friend. 'Mirattal' is no exception.

Babloo (Vinay), likes to have fun and is always getting in trouble. So his father Narayanan (Pandiarajan) gets him a job with Shankar dada (Prabhu), a don in Chennai.

Shankar dada and another don (Pradeep Rawat) are rivals and the latter is determined to kill Shankar's sister Deepika (Sharmila). Babloo falls in love with Deepika, but Shankar is planning an arranged marriage for her with an N.R.I.

Babloo and Deepika elope to get married. The rest of the story deals with how Babloo saves Deepika from a big danger she is facing and also convinces Shankar in favour of their affair.

Vinay's performance is good but his dialogue delivery is weak. New-comer Sharmila is one more added to the list of actresses from the north. Prabhu and Pandiarajan show their experience on-screen, while the one who hogs the limelight is Santhanam, with his one-liners, he tickles the funny bone from the beginning to the end.

Praveen Mani has composed a couple of interesting songs, while the background score is loud. Cinematography by D. Kannan has captured the foreign locales (in song sequences) brightly.

On the whole, 'Mirattal' really entertains those who prefer to watch films only for the sake of entertainment.

Tags: Mirattal,