Moner Manush Movie Review: The Mystery Still Lingers

7th December 2010


December 7, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Film: Moner Manush

Director: Goutam Ghose

Cast: Prosenjit Chatterjee, Paoli Dam, Priyanshu Chatterjee

Rating: ***1/2

Moner Manush, Goutam Ghoses take on Sunil Gangopadhyays novel of the same name, impresses but does not help to solve the questions which haunt the minds of the modern man. What exactly is the inner being? When exactly do we realize that we have come across a soul man? These are questions put forward by Prosenjit Chatterjees character Lalon Fakir in the film but unfortunately are not answered by him. The critics or the audience are not complaining though because they have realized that even a primitive man like Lalon Fakir harbored the same feelings as they do.

Indeed, Goutam Ghoses Moner Manush introduces to us a man who could baffle the philosophers of the 19th century and was also an inspiration to literary stalwarts like Rabindranath Tagore. Yes, he did inspire Rabindranath Tagore in spite of the fact that he was not educated. All the preachings of Lalon Fakir were through his baul song renditions.

Prosenjit Chatterjee impresses as Lalon Fakir, this one probably being his best performance to date. Though there is hardly any reference to the legendary baul singer in our archives, Prosenjit Chatterjee plays his part with confidence and shows wonderful voice modulations as Moner Manush shows Lalon Fakirs journey over a span of five decades. The supporting cast members Paoli Dam and Priyanshu Chatterjee performs well too.

--Sampurn Wire


Tags: Gautam Ghosh, Paoli Dam, Prosenjit Chatterjee,