Naomi Watts' letter to Vivek

29th December 2012

Vivek Oberoi is an actor of the hour. Though he hasn't worked in too many movies, the ones that he has worked in have done very well in the Hindi film industry making him a great star.

Besides his contribution to cinema, Vivek has helped those affected by the 2004 tsunami tremendously. Adopting a village in Tamil Nadu that was badly affected, Vivek helps them in all the ways he can.

This gesture has touched a special person's heart and she has gone out of her way to appreciate the young actor. Hollywood star Naomi Watts is that special person who wrote a letter to Vivek to share her appreciation with him for his hard work.

The letter reads below:

"Words really fail to express how touched I am to see the work you have done for the rehabilitation of the Tsunami-hit families in Thevanapattinam, Tamil Nadu. It takes a lot of courage and immense devotion to be able to take up such a responsibility on one's shoulders."

"As a celebrity it is important for us to realise that we can act as catalysts for change but unfortunately few take any real measures. Your effort to bridge this gap deserves appreciation from all quarters."

"While filming some of the scenes of The Impossible, I came close to realising the unimaginable grief and pain the families must have gone through in December 2004 when the tsunami hit their shores."

"I shudder to think about the void it must have created in the lives of people who faced personal losses."

"I salute you on behalf of the entire team of The Impossible for adopting Thevanapattinam and providing relief work to the tsunami victims. May your unremitting endeavour in the service of humankind go on with undiminished vigour."

The actress stars in the film 'The Impossible' that talks about floods and how cities are destroyed. The movie will be releasing in India in Janary 2013.

Tags: Vivek Oberoi, Naomi Watts,