Nicki Minaj wary of fans

24th February 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Nicki Minaj thinks many of her Twitter followers hate [her] guts.

The 26-year-old rap star is just one of many celebrities to give regular updates on her life via the social-networking website, and her witty comments have earned her an army of followers.

Nicki insists shes careful with what she says online though, as she fears many people keep track of her life for the wrong reason.

I have to watch my mouth sometimes, she told BlackBook. All of those people who follow me on Twitter? They arent my friends. Some of them are fans, but many of them are people who hate my guts and are just waiting for me to tweet something that they can put on their blogs.

Its easy to see 2 million followers and think, Look at all these people who love me! But not all of them love me.

Whether Im smiling or not, I know that people are always waiting for me to slip up.

The talented hip hop artist also discussed the frequent comparisons between her and eccentric pop star Lady Gaga. Nicki understands why people group her and Gaga together, as they both are famed for their unique dress sense and do the awkward, non-pretty thing.

Nicki feels proud to be part of the current trend for eccentricity, whether that be relating to fashion or a general outlook on life. She feels that for too long normality and blandness has been celebrated, and is relieved that people nowadays have become more accepting.

What were saying what Im saying, anyway is that its OK to be weird, she added. And maybe your weird is my normal. Whos to say? I think its an attitude we both share. (C) Cover Media
