Paul Rudd: Life is complex

4th March 2012

Paul Rudd believes modern technology makes life more complicated.

The actor is currently promoting his new comedy Wanderlust. In the film, he and Jennifer Aniston play a couple who leave their city life behind to live in a rural commune. Although Paul has no plans to leave New York City, he admits the idea of a quieter existence is appealing.

"There is something to be said about living off the land and kind of simplifying your life in ways that actually do make people happier," he told the April edition of UK magazine Glamour. "I think all the stuff that's supposed to make us happy and makes our lives easier actually winds up doing the opposite stuff like smartphones, computers. I notice it when I'm around my family I'm playing Words with Friends or looking at emails that I've looked at before. You have to force parameters like, I'll look at these in the morning, I'll return them in the afternoon, and then it's done.' But I don't think that happens."

Paul was born in Kansas and spent time in Los Angeles when he was trying to make it as an actor. However, after he finished shooting Clueless he decided to move to New York to try his hand at theatre acting.

He has never regretted the decision and the 42-year-old star is happily settled in Manhattan with his wife Julie and their two children.

"My reason for coming here was very specific: theatre was a viable option here. I was in my mid-twenties and I loved New York City, and now don't plan on leaving," he smiled. "It's not like there aren't other actors here, but at the same time, it isn't just industry-centric in the way LA can be. Having a little balance is important to me as a person, and as a parent."

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