Paul Smith embarrassed by past pieces

24th September 2010

(Cover) - EN Fashion - Sir Paul Smith recently wanted to push a man wearing one of his designs under a train because it looked terrible.

The 64-year-old British fashion icon started out in menswear, and has since branched out into various fields including womenswear, denim and fragrances, making him one of the UKs top designers.

Despite such a successful career, Paul says he has designed some garments he isnt very proud of, and recalled an embarrassing moment when he noticed one of his less stylish offerings being worn by an unsuspecting member of the public.

"I was in Nottingham recently standing on the train station platform and saw this guy wearing a bright turquoise terrible blue coat with dinosaurs all over it. I thought, 'I recognise that coat,' and then I remembered, Oh no, I designed that. Honestly I was tempted to push him under the train," laughed Paul in an interview with

The designer also offered his advice for anyone who wants to be as triumphant as him in the realm of fashion. He says people worry too much about their careers and thinks its much more beneficial to enjoy life.

"My top tip is to take it slow. Life is a joy. You don't have to be rich and famous straight away. Take it easy, grow gently and you'll have a lovely life, beamed the star. (C) Cover Media
