PC-Kjo in the WAR OF WORDS!

5th April 2012

The controversy is getting nastier day by day as the biggies of the industry, one after the other are getting their hands dirty with issues involving Shah Rukh Khan and his troubled personal life. 

Shah Rukh Khan who has been going through a tough time citing the gossips over his camaraderie with Priyanka Chopra has stirred up a cold war in the industry where many big wigs are reportedly going against PC. 

Just recently, Priyanka's so called friend spitted fire against the star wives for attacking Piggy Chops and now, it is SRK-Gauri's best friend Karan Johar who has criticized Priyanka in hidden words. 

Karan, on his micro blogging site recently targeted PC by posting, "Using their hired PR machinery and hiding behind so called "friends" to get news into tabloids is nothing but spineless and lame!!". He further added, "Some people need to wake up and smell the KOFFEE!!! Get a reality check before it's too late!!! Grow up!!! And don't mess with goodness," warned Kjo.  

Over to you, PC!!!  

Tags: Priyanka Chopra, Karan Johar, Shah Rukh Khan,