Pokemon Chief Writer, Takeshi Shudon Is No More

4th November 2010


November 4, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Japanese scriptwriter,Takeshi Shudo,who gained prominence with the famous TV animatedseries Pokemon, died at the age of 61 on October 29. The master mindbehind the animated series Pokemon, which was initially adapted from thePokemon video game series died while smoking in his workplace.

It was 6 in the morning on October 28th, when the chief writer ofPokemon collapsed at the smoking zone of Kansai Main Lines NaraStation. It was later discovered that he had suffered a subarachnoidhemorrhage. Shudo was immediately rushed to the Nara, Nara hospitalafter he collapsed. The doctors carried a surgery on him. He passedaway the following morning.

The writer of the super successful anime series previously worked atStudio Ghibli where he was very famous for his unusual intelligentwriting but it was after joining The Pokemon Company, when he achievedenormous heights of success. He was so good with his work that he waspromoted to the chief writers position within a few days of hisjoining The Pokemon Company.

Apart from Japan, Pokenmon is famous all over North and South America,Australia, and Europe.

--Abhimanyu Roy / Sampurn Wire



