Primary Official Photograph Of Dream House, Consisting Of Daniel Craig And Rachel Weisz, ...

29th January 2011

January 29, 2011 (Sampurn Wire): Universal Pictures has discharged officially the primary photograph from Dream House, which is a movie that has the proficient Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz as its central male and female character respectively. In the photograph, the couple, Craig and Weisz, is in concert with two girls, who are, possibly, their on-screen children.

In the movie, Craig enacts the character of a flourishing publisher, Will Atenton, who resigns from a job in New York City to reposition himself, his wife, Libby (enacted by Weisz), and two girls in an old-fashioned but charming New England town. However, as they get used to their life in a new environment, they realize that their ideal dwelling was the setting of the slaughter of a Mom as well as her kids. Craig scrutinizes the disaster with his only clue emerging from a neighbor, Ann Paterson, whose character has been acted out by Naomi Watts.

Dream House is, as can be understood, a thriller, with the presence of skillful actors and actresses such as Marton Csokas, Jane Alexander and Elias Koteas. It has been manned by Jim Sheridan. The movie underwent filming in Canada in the initial stages of 2010 and will be discharged in the American cinema houses on September 30.

Sheridan is a director of motion pictures of Irish lineage, who has been the recipient of six nominations from the Academy Awards hitherto. Sheridan is broadly recognized as a consequence of his movies such as In America, My Left Foot, In The Name Of The Father, Get Rich or Die Tryin, etc., which have received considerable acclaim.

Naomi Watts, one of the characters in Dream House, was appointed as a goodwill ambassador in 2006 for the Joint United Nations Program related to HIV/AIDS, which was an initiative designed to engender consciousness about the deadly disease and the ways to combat it effectively.

-- Sampurn Wire
