Prince William ended Kate romance over phone

21st December 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Britains Prince William allegedly broke up with Kate Middleton over the phone in 2007, according to the author of a new book.

The royal recently announced he is engaged to Kate, who he has been dating for around eight years. The pair met at university but briefly split several years ago after deciding they were too young for such a serious relationship.

During an interview after they had confirmed the engagement, Kate admitted she wasnt very happy when they took time apart although she thinks it made her stronger.

Christopher Andersen has written a book about the pairs relationship, titled William and Kate: A Royal Love Story. In an interview with ET he discussed the reasons behind the brief break-up, revealing at the time William was sure he was doing the right thing for Kate.

She expected him to propose to her when he broke up with her. It came at a particularly sensitive time. William had just graduated from Sandhurst Military Academy and entered training for the army; she had to fend for herself with the paparazzi in London, he explained. She was at work when she got the call. Basically, he said, 'It's not fair to you.' She did not want to break up and she was very hurt. She was devastated.

According to Christopher, people close to William had warned him against continuing his romance with Kate if he wasnt planning to marry her soon.

The break-up only lasted six weeks though, as neither the prince nor Kate could bear to be apart. They both sought solace in friends, with Kate choosing to spend time with her sister Pippa.

The royal and his now-fiance tried to get over their heartbreak by going for nights on the town with pals, with William reportedly splashing out on champagne during one memorable evening.

As a matter of fact, on one night alone, he spent $17,000 on Dom Perignon for his group of friends at a club called Mahiki [in London], which was his favourite hangout, Christopher said. (C) Cover Media
