Prince William planning sexy bedroom

8th March 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Britains Prince William and his fiance Kate Middleton are planning to redecorate their home and it has been revealed the master suite will be young and sexy.

The couple are set to marry at Westminster Abbey in London on April 29 and are busily deciding how to furnish their house. They will be living in a farmhouse near Williams Royal Air Force base in North Wales after they tie the knot and are scheduled to meet with Beverly Hills designer Kenneth Bordewick to discuss plans for the property. Kenneth who is friends with Williams father Prince Charles has revealed the couple are shunning old fashioned luxury for a modern design and their bedroom is set to be the highlight.

"I don't know what we're exactly doing yet in terms of design but they want it to be causal and contemporary. It won't be classical or old-fashioned at all," Kenneth told The master suite is going to be lovely for Kate. I like to make a woman's boudoir her sanctuary. It needs to be feminine, young and sexy."

Kenneth has revealed he will be meeting William and Kate in London on March 16.

The designer whose has previously worked for stars including Mariah Carey, Sir Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson has already been given some information about what the royal couple want. He has been told Kate is a fantastic cook and is keen to have a state-of-the-art kitchen installed, while William is hoping the house can offer something different from the castles and mansions he grew up in.

"They know that the rest of their lives is going to be very traditional and want to let their hair down now with a typical young, newlywed house. This is really a stretch from what William has grown up with and they're excited to have a change, Kenneth added.

"Kate loves to cook so we're focusing on the kitchen and fitting it with large American-style appliances." (C) Cover Media
