Rebecca Romijn: I can't drink anymore

22nd June 2012

Rebecca Romijn has had to "cut down big time" on pleasurable vices since becoming a mother.

The model-and-actress is mother to three-year-old twin girls Charlie Tamara Tulip and Dolly Rebecca Rose with her husband Jerry O'Connell.

Since welcoming her daughters into the world, Rebecca has curbed her partying ways.

"I've had to cut down on wine drinking, big time. I'd fall asleep for an hour, and then be wide awake! Every once in a while, I'd toy with the idea of, 'I can be a cool mom: a party girl at night and a mom in the morning.' But I'd regret it every time," she revealed in the July/August issue of Health magazine. "Because those girls wake up at 6 a.m. no matter what time you come home!"

The 39-year-old star cannot function well without a full night's rest.

"Sleep is so important," Rebecca explained. "But as soon as you become a mother, you're always a little bit awake, because your one ear is always sort of listening."

Her spouse Jerry makes it impossible at times for Rebecca to get a good night's rest.

"I'm constantly rolling him over to get him to stop [snoring]. And sometimes I hold his nose. It's terrible, but it makes me laugh," she revealed. "He also says really crazy things in his sleep. He keeps me entertained while he's keeping me awake."
