27th April 2011
In the court battle between Kannada filmmaker Madan Patel and Nityananda, (the controversial Guru Paramahamsa Nithyananda) - an undertaking submitted has brought about temporary relief. It may be recalled, that after the start of the film 'Satyananda' the swami filed a case at City Civil court, Bangalore. The case was filed on a suspicion and that has halted the shooting of Madan Patel's film.

The statement issued to court that - "The first defendant submits that he does not know the life history of the plaintiff. The first defendant further submits that the intended film 'Sathyananda' is not based on the life of the plaintiff. This defendant has no intention of depicting the plaintiff (Nithyananda) in his film. This memo may kindly be recorded and the defendant be permitted to produce film 'Sathyananda'".

This means that the film 'Sathyananda' has been permitted to continue only because its producer, Madan Patel, has categorically stated to the Court that the film will not be about the plaintiff, Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Further hearing, related to the case, is posted to 10-Jun-2011.