Ricky Martin posed with hidden fans

18th July 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Ricky Martin posed for pictures with a fan that hid in the vents of the place he was staying because he was so impressed with the effort they'd made to see him.

The snake-hipped singer has legions of male and female fans all over the world, many of whom will go to great lengths to see their idol.

Ricky can still remember one evening when he and his roommate began to hear funny sounds in the ceiling of the building they were in. Closer inspection showed one of Ricky's fans had climbed into the vents of the establishment, something he still can't get over.

"They were in the vents. They found a way to get to the ventilation things. But you know what? I had to take a picture with them, I gave them autographs and everything because well, I'm still talking about this," he laughed.

Ricky is father to twins Matteo and Valentino, who turn three next month. The openly-gay star loves being a dad, with the tots joining him on his current world tour.

The 39-year-old knows some people think he should settle down now he is a dad, but he insists there is no reason to stay in one place just because you have kids.

"I focus on giving that crazy energy to the performance. Other than that I just try to focus on the kids and the energy that you need to raise twins," he told British television show This Morning.

"They love travelling. They're about to turn three now. A lot of people say, Yeah but they need stability Ricky, c'mon,' and I'm like, No, they will feel stability from me.'

"Rather than singing lullabies I make sounds, they like that." (C) Cover Media
