Rihanna couldn't take eyes off' rapper

17th April 2012

Rihanna "took a real shine" to New York rapper A$AP at Coachella.

The stunning singer partied at the Coachella music festival in California over the weekend with good friend Katy Perry.

Rihanna was really taken by A$AP's performance and decided to spend time with him after he left the stage.

"Rihanna took a real shine to A$AP. She couldn't take her eyes off him," a source told British newspaper The Sun.

"She hung around after his set to chat to him and seemed to be a big fan."

Rihanna and A$AP were in high spirits as they toasted to one another throughout the night.

"They were getting stuck into champagne with mates before moving on to rum they even asked a lackey to get ginger beer as a mixer for it," the source detailed.

Rihanna was also impressed with the handsome musician's smile.

"Rihanna asked A$AP about his gold teeth, joking that she'd love to get the same thing done," the source said.

Tags: Rihanna,