Robbie Williams: Im embarrassed I laughed at nude Kylie

20th September 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Robbie Williams admits he offended Kylie Minogue by laughing at her when she was naked.

The singer has revealed he had a huge crush on the Australian star for many years and finally got to spend time with her when they recorded their duet, Kids. The music promo to accompany the hit single saw the pair involved in several steamy scenes, and Robbie was so overwhelmed at the prospect of seeing Kylie strip to just a G-string he decided to drink some alcohol for Dutch courage.

However, Robbie ended up consuming too much Drambuie and became a bit of a teenage boy when Kylie began shedding her clothes.

"I just burst out laughing. Which I don't think went down well with Kylie," Robbie admitted in his new book You Know Me. "I may have offended her too, because she must have felt vulnerable too, being naked on set, and being naked in front of me.

"I think that any chance of anything disappeared when I laughed at her. Perhaps she likes being naked, but she probably doesn't enjoy being laughed at by some Stokie idiot."

Robbie confessed he is still embarrassed about the incident and has avoided discussing it with Kylie ever since. He hopes that by discussing his regret in his tome it will serve as an apology to the blonde star. (C) Cover Media
